Wednesday 12 March 2008

Our year 1 children have just enjoyed their first trip to Shugborough Hall.
We spent time in the kitchen and the laundry. We looked at the horse drawn carriages and popped into the Pharmacy, the puppet makers and the dress shop.
My favorite part of the day was seeing the children dressed as Victorians, and taking part in the activities in the kitchen and laundry. The children helped cook make some cakes, they helped chop the cherries, grate the nutmeg and some children helped with the mixture.
What do you remember about your trip to Shugborough Hall?
What was your favorite activity?

Monday 10 March 2008

New Arrivals

Last Monday we took delivery of some very unusual visitors!
11 unhatched eggs arrived in school, and much to the delight of everyone, by the end of Monday many had hatched into the most gorgeous chicks. Just in time for Easter!
All our children have kept a close eye on our special visitors.
What have you noticed since the chicks have hatched?