Monday 10 March 2008

New Arrivals

Last Monday we took delivery of some very unusual visitors!
11 unhatched eggs arrived in school, and much to the delight of everyone, by the end of Monday many had hatched into the most gorgeous chicks. Just in time for Easter!
All our children have kept a close eye on our special visitors.
What have you noticed since the chicks have hatched?


Anonymous said...

These chicks are so cute!
I have held them all and they are really soft.Only 6 or them survived, but the box is big enough.Their feathers are starting to grow as well!!Unfortunatly they only have got them till wednesday.

Anonymous said...

the chicks have started to grow proper feathers, they are like tiny twigs!
The chicks run around very quickly now, I think they prefer to run free rather than be kept in the incubator.
I will miss popping into see them when they leave. H

Anonymous said...

Hi H
When will they be leaving? where will they be going?

Anonymous said...

Hi Bex
I'm not sure, I thought they were going on Wed, but now think it's Friday.
I am not sure were they go from here, I shall find out :0)H

Anonymous said...

The chicks were very noisy this morning.

Anonymous said...

Sadly our 2 weeks of being "chicken farmers" has come to an end. Mr Farmer fetched them on friday for their new life on a farm as free range chickens, I'm sure they will enjoy this. Though whilst they have been with us they have certainly been interesting and the children in the nursery have found it all very fascinating! Once they were able to we had them come and visit us, we all had to sit in a circle and put loads of newspaper down. They were getting quite big now with feathers growing on their wings and some even had tail feathers starting to grow. We will miss them and we can't wait till next year!!! Mrs Tongue will miss them too!!

Anonymous said...

We went to the lanudry i used the doli tub i wash and i washed then i use the mangle.
Im eating my dinner then i went out to play . then we went to the kichin i had fun .

Anonymous said...

wow! what a great experience for the children. I could'nt believe how fast the chicks grew once they had hatched. shame they had to go.